The Psalmist – “Teach me to do Your will…”

The will of God is something we hear about a lot as Christians.

We are constantly prompted to accept Gods will, seek for His will and have faith in whatever His will may be. But are we ready to ask to be taught how to follow Gods will?

The Psalmist did this (Psalm 143:10).

Teach me to do Your will…


I’ll be sincere this statement left me in awe. Never in my life have I ever asked God to teach me to do what He requires.

Teach – 1) impart knowledge to or instruct (someone) as to how to do something. 2) cause (someone) to learn to understand something by example or experience.

* Disclaimer – that second definition got me too lol

To even ask to be taught something it’s because first we have come to the realisation that somehow we lack proper understanding or are failing. Doing the will of God goes against all of human nature. How am I so sure? Simply because I know I have my own will, which often has its own plans and desires. Therefore what the Psalmist is doing here, seeking not to only do the will of God but how to do it correctly is, well… wise.

He does this because he doesn’t want to even fall short of doing things by Gods standards, and by his own – not even “accidently”. His hearts desire is truly to serve God. Not just in action, but internally. The one who decides to deprive themself of their own will for Gods, is the type of person who serves God inwardly before they do externally. Anyone can look like they’re serving God, but to hear Gods voice, to listen and choose to obey that is true servitude.

For over a month I’ve been meditating on the book of Psalms, and as I come to the end of it what better way  to document some of the many revelations God has given me than to share them here? I hope it blesses you all just as much as it has me, many of these verses gave me great experiences with God, they came at times when I needed those revelations the most.

Doing It Like a Queen – Discernment

She had great wisdom to know how to handle any situation.
When I initially read this statement, a few things came to mind. We could easily speak about the way we deal with people… but as I thought deeper though all these things are equally important one thing did come to mind.

Knowing when to fight and when to wait .

Thinking deeply about Queen Esther and the decision she made she knew exactly how to do this. A bit of context on her story – Queen Esther found herself in a situation where she was physically speaking the only one who could save her people, and with this she took a massive step. She placed herself not only in a difficult situation, but the decision she made to confront the King about the planned massacre, if rejected would cost her her life (Read Esther).

We may never face a situation such as that of Queen Esther, but we too have our own battles and we must know how to judge each situation. When it is the time to go before God in purpose and fight for what we want, and when it’s a moment of humility and we must trust in our God.

Each situation brings about different requirements of how it should be dealt with, and we have to have wisdom to know what each situation is demanding from us.

Sometimes the easiest thing to do is fight and do purposes of faith, to try to gain what we want with our own strength in hope that we will successfully “shake Gods throne” and make sense of what we are being faced with. At times it’s easier to recite Bible verses, and believe that “this fight is the Lords…” when in truth the situation requires an act of faith.

“Okay, I get it Peniel, but how do I know what to do?” Simple, seek Gods guidance. Ask Him what He would have you do in that situation. If necessary He will inspire you with a purpose of faith, or He will encourage you to invest in other things and persevere in faith or He may even be silent. Baring in mind His silence isn’t a free pass for us to just do what we think is best. In those moments of silence continue to seek, and He will guide your every step – How? Through His Word of course. What has He been saying to you recently? What is the Word He has been allowing to play in your mind? That’s what He wants you to focus on.

You must understand that If now is a moment to allow God to act, this does not mean you are not in faith or even not revolted. It just means that that is what God requires from you in this moment. It’s so important we get this right, because getting this wrong can lead to frustration, anxiety and even malice towards God.

One of the hardest things to do when you’re far from God is to posses the ability to discern – to truly understand what He wants you to do. There will be times in life where you will need to distance yourself from everything and everyone, cancel out everyone’s opinions and stop to listen to what God is saying. That separation from everything that distracts you, and takes away from what God is showing you is at times necessary. The only way to be able to discern what God expects of us in different situations is when we are close to Him. The closer we are, the clearer His voice is and the more we discern when He is speaking.

Seek for Gods direction in everything, and He will show you what you must do in every moment in your life. You’ll hear Him loud and clear. Until next time …

Characteristics Of A Woman Of Quality

IMG-20140730-WA068Jades an All or Nothing person.
Shes one of my closest friends, but that’s not why I love this girl so much!
She’s set-focused, knows what she wants and she doesn’t mind losing a few friends if she has to and because  of this I respect her!

If there’s one things I’ve learnt from her in the time we’ve been friends, it’s to always give 100 percent, to always give my all for God. If there’s one thing Jade always says it’s “All For Him”.
When we do anything we have to do it for God, we have  to do it as if he’s the one who asked us to carry out the task. Something God showed me and funny enough Jade too is that if the example we are outside doesn’t match the example we are at home, then the example we are outside  means and  is nothing! See how strong that is? Everything we do has to be for him, it has to be for God because if we have that mentality, automatically we will give our best (and even more than that!) in and with everything we do. Because  the truth is that if we’re not doing what God desires us to do – he won’t have it! He will find someone else to give his most prized possessions to.

The heart of her husband safely trusts her.
Proverbs 31:11

Starting From Within – Breaking down the walls

I feel like I haven’t written a post in ages! Sorry about that guys, I’ve been over crowded with work!

You didn’t think the series was other did you?.. I hope not:)
We all have walls, and what are our walls you ask? Your wall could be the biggest problem your facing at the moment, your walls could be the things that no matter what you do to try and change them you can’t! That’s your walls!
Yet, before we knock down these walls, we first need to identify them, (kind of like what I have to do in Sociology). Once we’ve identified the wall or walls, the next step is knocking them down!
How exactly do I do that?
Well, for example before I wasn’t very confident and that was a wall I needed to knock down.. So what did I do? I knocked the wall down by doing things that I would usually shy away from, like speaking in public, Or maybe you’re insecure, personally for me to knock down those walls (as i had many(: ), I had to start looking at myself in a different way, by doing small things like maybe looking at your self in the mirror and saying “i am beautiful”! – not in a vain way of course 😀 It took time, it was process but when the thoughts that said “you cant!” came i would fight back with “i can!” – we’ll talk about this more in my next post… the power of words…
Every wall has to be knocked down in a different way, kinda like how every root has to be cut down in a different way (do you remember my post about roots), because the things is when you knock down these walls then you’ll be able to move forward no more feeling stuck! – I’ve been there before and its definitely not a nice place!
That’s what I’m going to leave you guys with today, Until next time(: x


When you need to Change – Starting from Within

So we’ve spoken about realising that there needs to be a change, the actions that need to be taken to actually make the change and today we begin starting from Within.
What exactly does that mean? Why starting from Within?
Well, we start from Within because inside is where everything  is really, where the roots are!
Your probably thinking: “roots! I was just getting to grips what starting from within was.. now we’re talking about Roots!” Lol
Roots we will speak about another time 🙂
But, let’s continue with starting from within and why we do that. Inside of you is every feeling, emotion, every thing you think and the reason why you act in certain ways.
We could get Olamide or Victoria to change this post and talk about changing outside… but what’s the point in changing on the outside if the inside is still so messed up and untidy?
Of course changing on the outside is still important as its the changes on the outside which reflect that difference that’s happening in the inside, but if it’s what is happening inside that is reflected on the outside, then we should work on within and that will show on the outside In a way others will look at you and see that change. Just like Victoria said In her post this week people will want to be around you, they’ll want to know “What’s going on with Ella?” Or “What’s up with Sophie?” – you get the point!

And that’s why I’m going to start a series, called Starting From Within. I’ll be writing posts weekly, and step by step I’m going to be learning and changing and so will you if you put what I say into ACTION then the change will be visible – inside and out!
If you’d like to keep up with this series, then you should follow my blog, on the right hand side there’s a space where you can enter your email and receive posts,don’t forget to like this and share on Facebook and Twitter!
Until next time x

Meet The Team – Get To Know Us: Olamide Duyile

My Story : (Brief) p33

Before I made the decision to change my life around I was very empty, I didn’t really understand the concept of life, what it meant, why I even existed I just lived for the moment, i wanted to do what everyone else was doing.

When I was outside my house I was loud, rude, mouthy, of the vulgar really. I kept up a pretty good visage but  when I got home And closed the bedroom door that’s when the real me was visible. Happiness was a temporary feeling for me, I mostly felt heavy, sad, depressed, confused and lonely, I took these out on those who were closest to me. I never opened up, I never wanted to share, I was closed up and pretended everything was okay even though I knew it wasn’t. I was insecure, I never saw the true beauty in myself only in others, funnily enough people thought I was conceited  because of the way I carried myself, If only they knew. All I wanted to do was be with friends, or be with boys and for adrenalin I’d be at the parties or pick fights and start arguments.
There became a point where my life started to close in on me  my mum had a 1/1000 chance of survival, my friends were all going down one by one and then I realised I was next and I had to do something quickly.
The Transformation didn’t happen overnight, in fact I didn’t even realise until people started to tell me that I had changed and I realised that I could and I decided to change things even more rapidly.
And even though today I am  a completely new person , happy, successful, secure, clean & much more, I am imperfectly perfect and I love it that way ! olaa
God wants to transform us much more than we want to be transformed.
Remember your worth is far above rubies.

Now that it’s all out the way , who’s ready for ‘5 ways to style a black Knitted Jumper’ – See you back here next Friday ! x

so you’ve heard the story of our second member of the perfectly imperfect team, be ready on Friday to get to know Victoria Azubuike!

Feel free to leave your comments – click ‘leave a comment’ you’ll find it at the end of each post, and don’t forget to subscribe too!!

The Purest Of Them All

therefinersfire[1]Gods word is so pure and perfect – like silver the purest of its kind! Silver is used for so much! And for it to become fine cutlery and many other beautiful things, it has to go through the furnace, which is a process of burning away all the un needed parts and then being left with the purest part of this beautiful metal! And that’s EXACTLY what God wants to do with you!..

He wants to burn away all the ugly parts and mold you until there’s just the  purest part of you, and do you know what he wants to use to mold you? His word.. He doesn’t expect perfection, yet he wants to make you the most perfect you, you can be! 🙂

the promises of the LORD can be trusted; they are as genuine as silver refined seven times in the furnace. (Psalm 12:6 )

Knowing Your Worth

I wasn’t even going to write about this today, but something that happened made me really think about this. What is it to know your worth? There are many ways to look at this, but I’m just going to share what I think quickly, it is to know your worth:

Knowing Your Worth is when you look at yourself and you value yourself, it’s when you don’t just talk, act or dress anyhow, it’s when no one can come to you and treat you like rubbish!

But, when you don’t know your worth anyone can treat you like rubbish and you’ll run back to them with open arms, you act and talk anyhow, you look in the mirror and hate what you see because you don’t see the worth that you have – you don’t see your value!

Knowing Your Worth and valuing yourself isn’t just about how you dress, talk or act but it’s about how you see yourself because if you can’t see it in yourself how and why would anyone be able to see it in you? Don’t allow people to treat you like rubbish and have you still running back. Know your worth, know your value because when you do, nothing and no one can ever tell you any different!

“(…) for her worth is far above rubies.” (Proverbs 30:10)